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Made in the USA - It's "THE GIFT" to Give this Father's Day!

Dad is great- gives us the chocolate cake!  

He may the "Fun Parent" or maybe he's the "Enforcer"- but he means the world to you.  At Stars & Stripes Collective- we honor our Dads: the superheroes without capes - the handymans- the grillmasters- the jokesters who can always make you smile!  Whatever his role is in your life- you know you wouldn't be you without him.  We want to help find the perfect gift for the main man in your life because he deserves it!  Here are our top picks to solidify your spot as the favorite! Best part- use code "DadsDay" for 15% off all men's clothing & accessories this weekend only!

The Guy Tie by Bird Dog Bay.  Exclusive illustrations by the owner and handmade in Chicago. This tie hits all the areas of Dad "expertise" including beer drinking, football watching and cigar smoking!

The 18 pack and 30 pack cooler  for packing the "essentials" whether it be for BBQ's, boating or game days. 


The 5 O'Clock Somewhere or Historical American Flag belt. Stars & Stripes Collective carries a whole line of whimsical belts that help Dad stand out in a crowd- because he should!  Made in Maine.



Limited edition Dopp Kit/Toiletry Bag.  These handmade bags are crafted using vintage remnants of old stock fabric. Only a handful are produced with each remnant and numbered to reflect where your bag fell in the production line.


Help Dad smell his manliest with solid cologne and Big Ass Bricks of Soap from Duke Cannon. Duke Cannon hails from a simpler time. A time when the term handyman was redundant. A time when chivalry and patriotism weren’t considered old- fashioned. A time when you never put the word salad next to bar.  You'll love the tongue in cheek description on each soap box- guaranteed to get a laugh or two from Dad! Plus portion of the profits goes to benefit veterans.


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