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Grand Opening - Spotlight on American Made Style

This next week marks the official Grand Opening of Stars & Stripes Collective in Door County, WI - "the Cape Cod of the Midwest". The American dream for a couple who decided to start asking where their clothes were made and why it mattered 7 years ago and haven't turned back.  Our brick & mortar is filled with so many American Dreams of people who have an amazing talent and a superb knack for making beautiful, unique and high quality products right here in the USA.  Some are young businesses while others are several generations old.  Their task of manufacturing in the USA is not easy but they have stayed the course.  Their efforts have provided us a platform in which to sell our customers a story of the entrepreneurial spirit and most importantly to offer them one of a kind #AmericanMadeStyle.

We will be highlighting these makers throughout our Grand Opening this week on our blog to help tell their story and bring awareness to their brand.  That has always been the sole purpose of Stars & Stripes Collective.  To share the information we have gathered over the years in our quest for American Made.  It has helped us understand the struggles of American manufacturing and appreciate the work it takes to keep it stateside.  Being Made in USA means so much more than bolstering the economy, creating jobs and supporting your neighbor. (Although those are some darn good reasons!)  It's about monitoring and regulating the environmental atrocities that comes from the textile industry, one of the most polluting industries in the world after oil.  It is also about humanity, protecting those who can't fight for their own rights - such as the workers in 3rd world countries who get paid pennies to make cheap clothing for the 1st world consumers to wear and throw away.  We not only support American Made but cheer on those countries who continue to produce goods domestically for their own people.  We call this Economic Patriotism and it is important for all countries in order to thrive and grow.  

We are proud Americans because this is our homeland and it always will be.  The place that has afforded so many opportunities to our ancestors who came here over a hundred years ago. It continues to offer these opportunities not only to us but to thousands of others every single day.  We understand that nothing is perfect and as we continue to work on improving our very "young" country - we never lose sight of the abundance of blessings and good it holds for all who inhabit it.  A very famous President once said " There is nothing wrong with America- that can not be fixed by what is right in America".  (brownie points for the people who know which President!) We could not agree more!

So please join us this week as we celebrate the 242nd birthday of America and go The Extra Mile for American Made Style!  

Happy 4th of July!

Jennifer & Stephen Imig

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